Friday, August 26, 2011

Why is Block Play important?

During WeePlay Classes we often talk about the significance of play and it's impact on growth and development.  In fact, WeePlay's motto is, "Play While You Learn, and Learn While You Play!" And while this may seem like a new concept to some, it is in fact one that dates back as far as Plato Laws in 4th century BC. Plato is discussing the impact of play and states that the "Future builders must first play at building, and those who have the care of their education should provide them when young with mimic tools." Once parents appreciate the significance of play, the logical next step which many of you have been asking, : "what types of toys have the greatest developmental impact?" One type which is most often used in WeePlay Developmental classes are Blocks. 
Block play is a staple in any good child care setting.  In the Beginnings Workshop, "Block Play,"  Stuart Reifel, provides practical suggestions for supporting beneficial block play, as well as conveying these benefits of the activity:
"We know from years of research and teaching that children develop as they play with blocks.  All children begin by exploring the qualities of blocks, including size, shape, weight, texture, and color.  When a teacher talks about those qualities while children are exploring, it gives children valuable language that is linked to their experiences.  Teacher talk also lets children know that what they are doing with blocks is valued.  As children begin to put blocks together, they begin to learn about length, height, volume, physical space, and the power they can feel as they control it. By creating shapes with blocks, we begin to see how we give shape to our lives." 
If given the early opportunity to have block playtime, by the time a child reach preschool, their block play begins to take on a whole new meaning. While is may appear that your child is simply creating shapes, they are actually deciding that what they have made is a spaceship or a dollhouse.  Piaget tells us that block play at this stage is a type of symbolic representation.  Through play children are re-creating things that are important to them, whether those meanings relate to home and family, farms and animals, or spaceships and monsters.  The significance of block play is that it shows us what our children are thinking about. And the gift is, when we know what they are thinking, then that we can enrich their experiences. 
For unique and creative ideas to enrich your child's block play-time, feel free to contact WeePlay at:

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